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Cela fait maintenant près de dix ans que je ne suis plus musulman. J'ai cessé d'avoir foi en l'islam après avoir sérieusement étudié le puits sans fond que semblent être les textes sacrés du Coran et des hadîts Sahih. Ce travail, long et diffici[...]texte imprimé
Michael Coffman, Auteur ; Kathyrn Mathieson, Auteur | Bangor [USA] : Environmental Perspectives | 2005This book exposes the deep penetration of radical Islam and the Muslim Brotherhood into the federal government at the invitation of President Obama, even though the Muslim Brotherhood has been declared a terrorist organization by Egypt and the U[...]texte imprimé
David Friedman, Auteur | Clarksville [USA] : Lederer Books, An imprint of Messianic Jewish Publishers | 2002Sudden Terror exposes the hidden agenda of militant Islam. You will learn • why both the United States and Israel are targets of this radical scheme • what nations that give rise to terrorism are teaching their children • what is being printe[...]texte imprimé
Islam—once an obscure Middle Eastern religion—has rapidly grown into the second largest religion in the world. There are now more Muslims than Episcopalians in the United States! What attraction does Islam hold for its followers? What part does[...]texte imprimé
Robert Spencer, Auteur | Washington DC [USA] : Regnery Publishing | Politically Incorrect Guide (PIG) | 2005In a fast-paced, politically incorrect tour of Islamic teachings and Crusades history, Spencer reveals the roots of Islamic violence and hatred. Spencer refutes the myths popularized by left-wing academics and Islamic apologists who justify thei[...]texte imprimé
L'islam ne peut qu'être mal compris lorsqu'on le voit avec des yeux d'occidentaux habitués à des concepts tels que la distinction entre spirituel et temporel, la raison, la démocratie, la liberté, les droits de l'Homme et l'humanisme. Nos yeux d[...]