Indexation EB/A : Eschatologie: dispensations
Ouvrages de la bibliothèque en indexation EB/A (29)

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While books such as Left Behind and The Late Great Planet Earth have been best-selling successes, the theological foundation on which they're built has been in trouble since the mid-1980s. Some of the very academic institutions founded to promot[...]![]()
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This work is a revised and enlarged edition of the Author’s Great Book on ‘‘Dispensational Truth.” It is not an experiment. It has already passed in its elementary form through several editions, is widely circulated over the world, is highly com[...]![]()
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Dispensationalism continues to provoke heated debate within the Christian world. Highly acclaimed theologian Dr. Charles C. Ryrie addresses this crucial issue from the perspective of classic dispensationalism. He confronts the views of covenant [...]![]()
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For some an object of ridicule, for others a source of concern, dispensationalism has nevertheless become a compelling force in conservative theological circles. Its adherents are devoted and vocal, its challenge widespread. Few Protestant, den[...]![]()
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Craig A. Blaising, Éditeur scientifique ; Darrell L. Bock, Éditeur scientifique | Grand Rapids [USA] : Zondervan Publishing House | 1992The relationship between Israel and the church is a crucial reference point in theology, especially in distinguishing between dispensational and nondispensational ways of thinking. The thesis of this book is that Israel and the church are disti[...]![]()
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Les communications que Dieu a faites aux hommes au cours des temps constituent une révélation progressive de lui-même et de ses plans éternels. Ces communications ont placé les hommes auxquels elles ont été adressées dans différentes conditions [...]![]()
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