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CF/C : Herméneutique biblique CF/A Théologie de l'exégèse
CF/B Herméneutique: approche philosophique CF/D Interprétation des prophéties CF/E Herméneutique : divers |
Ouvrages de la bibliothèque en indexation CF/C (29)
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Organized around common FAQs, 40 Questions About Interpreting the Bible tackles the major questions about biblical hermeneutics (i.e., how to interpret and understand the Bible). Robert Plummer provides background information for getting started[...]texte imprimé
Interprétation of Scripture occurs within one’s worldview and culture, which enhances our understanding and ability to apply Scripture in the world. However, few books address Bible interprétation from an African perspective and no other textboo[...]texte imprimé
La Bible ne s'est pas seulement écrite et inscrite dans une conjoncture historique qui en éclaire le sens. Elle est concernée aussi par l'histoire qui, en aval du texte écrit, constitue la suite de ses relectures et de sa réception. Dans ce proc[...]texte imprimé
Walter C. Kaiser (Jr.), Auteur ; Silva Moisés, Auteur | Grand Rapids [USA] : Zondervan Publishing House | 1994texte imprimé
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Current biblical interpretation is in a muddled state. Can the historicity of Scripture be placed in question but its authority and significance still be upheld? Can we be truly Christian while calling the reliability of biblical revelation into[...]texte imprimé
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No issue now occupies contemporary evangelicals more than the role of culture in biblical interpretation. In this book the author not only analyzes the current debate but also makes a significant contribution to it. This volume grapples with wh[...]texte imprimé
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This book presents stimulating analyses for a "postmodern" alternative to the modern hermeneutics. Five incisive essays cut to the central points and cover a variety of concerns: • Did revelation extend to teachings the human writers could not [...]texte imprimé
Xavier Léon-Dufour, Directeur de publication | Paris [France] : Editions du Seuil | Parole de Dieu | 1971L’intelligence des textes bibliques demande sans doute aujourd’hui un dépassement de la méthode historique qui pourtant ces dernières décades avait complètement renouvelé le problème. Aussi ne suffit-il plus de dire le sens qu’a eu jadis le text[...]texte imprimé
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Silva Moisés, Auteur | Grand Rapids [USA] : Academie Books (an imprint of Zondervan Publishing House) | Foundations of Contemporary Interpretation | 1990The primary aim of this book is to provide guidance in the use of biblical languages. Secondarily this volume initiates the reader to the wonders and workings of language and points out how language is often misused, especially in regard to the [...]texte imprimé
Donald K. McKim, Éditeur scientifique | Grand Rapids [USA] : William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company | 1986While the Christian church has always been concerned with how to interpret the Bible, in recent years hermeneutics has increasingly become a major focus of theological study. Traditional methods of interpreting Scripture are being re-examined, a[...]texte imprimé
Silva Moisés, Auteur | Grand Rapids [USA] : Academie Books (an imprint of Zondervan Publishing House) | Foundations of Contemporary Interpretation | 1987In this first volume of "Foundations of Contemporary Interpretation", Moises Silva presents a unique and practical perspective on the history of interpretation. By showing how the church in the past has dealt with these same issues, Silva provi[...]