Titre : | The Sign : Of Christ's Coming and the End of the Age |
Auteurs : | Robert Van Kampen, Auteur |
Type de document : | texte imprimé |
Mention d'édition : | 2nd revised ed. |
Editeur : | Wheaton [USA] : Crossway Books, 1999 |
ISBN/ISSN/EAN : | 978-1-58134-067-9 |
Format : | xxiv + 533 p. / With a colored timechart |
Note générale : | 1st ed. (1992) |
Langues: | Anglais |
Index. décimale : | EB/E (Eschatologie: prophéties en relation avec des événements historiques) |
Résumé : |
Can we know when the end of the age will occur, or even what will happen when it comes? In those days will the church experience a time of terrible persecution at the hands of a very real Antichrist? These questions have profound implications for even- person alive—for those who know Christ as Savior and those who don’t. The Sign has tackled the challenge of answering these questions by tracing God's plan for the nation of Israel and the church as revealed from the Old Testament to the New. Taking Scripture at face value and expecting a literal fulfillment of biblical prophecy concerning the last days, author Robert Van Kampen offers this end-times road map—including the sequence of events and the timing of the Rapture— without crossing the line into date-setting What you read here may very well challenge you to take biblical prophecy more seriously and give you an urgency to search the Scriptures for yourself. But even more importantly, may it move you to examine your heart deeply, be assured of your eternal destiny, and direct your sights to the blessed hope of the Lord's second coming. |
Note de contenu : |
- Acknowledgments - Preface 1. INTRODUCTION: FOUNDATIONS FOR UNDERSTANDING PROPHETIC TRUTH - The startling truth / Major disagreements / The coming persecution / Principles of interpretation / The pivotal texts / Certain terminology not to confuse / The various positions concerning christ’s return: Allegorical View; Spiritualized View; Face-Value (Literal) View; The Prewrath Rapture Position; Position of the Early Church Fathers / The danger of preconceived conclusions: The Importance of the Prewrath Position; The Purpose of This Book / The format of this book 2. A WARNING TO THE CHURCH - The bond-servants of Christ / The seven churches / Three representative types of churches / A forewarning from the Lord / Three concluding concerns 3. THE COSMIC CONFLICT - God’s sovereignty / The cosmic conflict begins / God’s prophetic plan: steps 1 -6 / God’s prophetic man: Christ’s First Coming; Christ’s Second Coming / Satan’s counterattack plan: 3 strategies /The great test / The battle of Armageddon / The cosmic conflict summarized / A framework for understanding 4. THE BLESSINGS AND THE CURSES - The blessings of obedience / The consequences of disobedience / The great diaspora / The restoration of Israel / Summing it up 5. THE “SEVENTY WEEK” PROPHETIC TIMETABLE - The seventy weeks of Daniel: Why the Long Gap? / The Seventieth Week 6. THE FIRST SEVEN BEAST EMPIRES -The eight beast empires introduced: The Beast Empires of Nebuchadnezzar’s Dream; The Beast Empires of Daniel’s Vision / The first six beast empires identified / The mysterious seventh beast empire: The intervening gap / The seventh beast empire identified 7. THE EIGHTH AND FINAL BEAST EMPIRE - What we can know: The Table of Nations; The Historical Movements of the Nations; Iron Mixed with Clay; Tracing the Roman Ancestry / The initial three-nation coalition identified: The Identity of Magog; The Identity of Rosh; The Identity of Meschech and Tubal; The Roman Connection / The seven secondary nations identified: Three Secondary Nations Identified by Daniel; Four Secondary Nations Identified by Ezekiel / Overview of the ten-nation confederation / Significance of the ten nations 8. ANTICHRIST AND HIS FORESHADOW - An overview of antichrist’s strategy / Antiochus Ephiphanes, the forerunner of antichrist: Seven Significant Parallels; The Last Trumpet of God / The rise of antichrist 9. THE STAGE IS SET - Prior conditions: A General Moral Decay in Society; A General Spiritual Decay in the Church; A General Corruption in Religious Thought; A Widespread Acceptance of Evolutionary Thinking / Prior events: The Return of Unbelieving Jews to Israel; The Control of Jerusalem; The Rebuilding of the Temple; The Three-Nation Coalition 10. COUNTDOWN TO THE END OF THE AGE - The covenant with death: A False Security / Opening the large scroll of revelation: The Seraphim; The Seventieth Week Not the Day of the Lord / The first three seals, the beginning of the “birth pangs”: The First Seal—False Christs; The Second Seal—Wars and Rumors of Wars; The Third Seal—Earthquakes and Famines 11. ANTICHRIST REVEALED - Preparing the way: Satan Thrown Down to Earth; Michael (the Restrainer) Removed / The Jerusalem campaign / The identification of antichrist: Facts about Antichrist; The Eighth Leader Is One of the First Seven Leaders; Nine Startling Facts; Satan Empowers Antichrist / A warning to Israel / “the woman” who flees / The “rest of the woman’s offspring” 12. COUNTING THE COST - Antichrist’s control of earth / The twofold test: The perseverance of the saints / The three-angel announcement / The two witnesses / In summary 13. THE GREAT TRIBULATION BY ANTICHRIST - The natural line of Abraham / Tribulation with no equal: When will the great tribulation occur? / The fourth seal: death and hades: how then should we act? / Opening the fifth seal: The fifth-seal martyrs; Fifth-seal conditions met / New Testament expectancy versus biblical reality 14 THE SIGN OF THE END OF THE AGE - Timeless questions / What will be the sign?: The sign of the end of the age / The sixth seal 15 THE SIGN OF CHRIST’S COMING - A supernatural brilliance / The glorious appearing of Christ: Confirmed in the New Testament; Confirmed in the Old Testament; God’s glory in ancient Israel / Your redemption draweth nigh 16. THE PREWRATH RAPTURE OF THE CHURCH — Part I - Rapture and wrath on the same day: Taught Specifically by Christ; The Noahic Flood Controversy; Confirmed by Paul / Christ’s coming cuts short the great tribulation: The Coming (Parousia) of Christ / The rapture described / A concluding word of encouragement 17. THE PREWRATH RAPTURE OF THE CHURCH — Part II - Confirmed by Revelation: The Great Heavenly Multitude / When will the rapture occur? The “Dead in Christ” Rise First THE SEALING OF THE 144,000 IN SUMMARY 18. THE DAY OF THE LORD - The day of the Lord defined: Old Testament Confirmation; New Testament Confirmation; A Fiery, Supernatural Judgment / The opening of the seventh seal: The First Six Trumpet Judgments / God’s purpose for the day of the Lord: To Judge the Ungodly; To Purge and Purify Israel / Antichrist “rendered useless”: The Jewish Counterattack / End of the seventieth week—the fulfillment of daniel 9:24 / The small scroll / The thirty-day reclamation period: Biblical Basis for the Additional Thirty Days 19. EVENTS THAT OCCUR DURING THE 30-DAY RECLAMATION PERIOD - The two witnesses: The Timing of Their Death / The mystery of God is finished: Foretold by Hosea / Christ’s physical return to earth / The “strong angel”: The Appearance of This Strong Angel / The itinerary of Christ’s earthly journey: Days One and Two: From Edom to Jerusalem; Day Three: The Mystery Is Complete!; Day Four: The Two-Witness Resurrection; Day Five: The Seventh Trumpet!; Day Five or Six: Remnant to Azel; Christ’s Return to Heaven / The bema-seat judgment: When Does the Bema-Seat Judgment Occur? 20. THE FINAL WRATH OF GOD - A scriptural preview of god’s Final judgments: The Ark of the Covenant / The 7 bowls judgments / The marriage of the Lamb: Who Is the Bride of Christ? / The final showdown: Who Are the Armies of Christ? / The battle of Armageddon: Final Destination of the Beast and His Prophet; The Disposition of the Armies of Satan; Final Disposition of Magog Edom Becomes a Memorial; The Surviving Gentile Remnant 21. THE RESTORATION PERIOD - What will the restoration period be? / What things will happen?: The Restoration of Mount Zion; The Restoration of Israel; Surviving Gentile Peoples to Mount Zion; The Restoration of the Temple / The layout of mount Zion / Restoring Christ’s rule upon earth 22. THE MILLENNIUM BEGINS - The millennial rule of Christ: King David Rules over Israel; Other Kings and Other Kingdoms / The first day of the millennium: First Event: Satan Bound; Second Event: The Sheep and Goat Judgment; Third Event: “Beheaded” Martyrs Resurrected; Fourth Event: New Heavens and a New Earth; Fifth Event: The New Jerusalem; The Marriage Supper of the Lamb IN CONCLUSION: How Will We Respond? EPILOGUE - “When the fig tree ...” / End times and three Jewish feasts: Yom Kippur; Sukkot; Hanukkah CLOSING REMARKS - Glossary - Subject Index / Scripture Index / Hebrew Word Index / Greek Word Index |
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