Auteur Johannes Facius
Documents disponibles écrits par cet auteur (5)

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The coordinator of Intercessors International challenges us to live close to God as we enter the end times, based on Christ's speech in Matthew 24.![]()
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Depression... Darkness... Despair...Finally, complete breakdown For three years the author fought against overwhelming accusations and condemnation. In his descent to the depths he struggled with issues which would trouble any Christian sufferi[...]![]()
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In this book, Johannes Facius tackles the very topic which confuses so many today in the Church: - Are the Jews finished? - Were they merely a divine stepping stone to something else? - Do they still have a destiny? - How do events in Israel[...]![]()
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In this book the author stresses that the calling of the Church is not primarily to the physical realm, but to be a testimony to the spiritual world.