Éditeur Banner of Truth Trust
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Documents disponibles chez cet éditeur (29)

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Introduction et commentaire![]()
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If the nineteenth century was the century of missionary expansion, the movement for church unity has been the distinctive ecclesiastical development of the present century. In a spate of books, the ecumenical movement has been considered from al[...]![]()
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Haldane (1764-1842) played a major role in the Geneva Revival (1816). His Commentary of Romans was a major element in starting the Revival.![]()
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"ln this volumo Professor Runia of the Reformed Theological College, Australia, brings his theological learning, with its Dutch overtones, and his acute mind to bear upon the vexed problem of the relationship of evangelical people in all the den[...]![]()
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Among the champions of orthodoxy in the first part of the twentieth century, Dr. J. Gresham Machen was pre-eminent. He is famous as the author of Christianity and Liberalism and the founder of Westminster Theological Seminary. In a line of great[...]