Éditeur Marshall, Morgan and Scott
Documents disponibles chez cet éditeur (17)

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Subtitled New Light From The Old Greek; there are some who may wonder how it is still possible to find new light in such a well studied text. The work of so many commentators and translators must, they think, have explored every possible shade o[...]![]()
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Since the Communists took control of mainland China there have been few accounts of the church’s work there. Andrew Gih was himself forced to leave his homeland. Work among children has always been of primary importance to the author, and in the[...]![]()
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This book presents a major contribution to the study of the doctrine of the Holy Spirit and the Gifts of the Spirit, helping the contemporary reader to secure a balanced biblical view of those gifts. The author takes into account significant dev[...]![]()
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The Evangelical position fully and intelligibly set out for laymen and ministers.![]()
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Dr. Leon Morris has not attempted to produce a connected account of the whole of the Passion narrative in the four Gospels hut has aimed at presenting the picture as St. Matthew, one of the Twelve, saw it. He has the special gift of focusing the[...]